Director Quality Assurance
Dr. Augustine S. Brima has an extensive knowledge in the field of supply chain management. He had worked within Sierra Leone for over 13 years. He worked for Ministry of Health as both District and Hospital Pharmacist in Kambia district. He later worked for UNICEF for two years. He also worked for the MOH as a District Pharmacist for Kenema.
He worked on Ebola vaccine research for both the johnson and johnson vaccine at EBOVAC and also for the merc vaccine and johnson vaccine at PREVAC before joining the National Medical Supplies Agency in 2019. Till date he the Director of Quality Assurance.
He attain a Bachelor of Pharmacy at the college of Medicine and Allied Health Sciences,(Bpharm.hons)
Doctor of Pharmacy at the University of Benin(Pharm.D)
He also has Master in Public Health at the nyala University(MPH)
He is also a fellow of the west Africa postgraduate college of Pharmacists (FCPharm)
Primary Responsibilities
Under the overall guidance and direct supervision of the Managing Director, the Quality Assurance
Manager is responsible for the execution of the following key tasks:
Procurement Management