NMSA in collaboration with USAID- Supported Project Last Mile & Momentum Rolled out the 1st PHU inventory management software

The National Medical Supplies Agency (NMSA) continues to embrace H. E. the President’s call for digitization and innovation in doing the business of government. Today @ Bunumbu CHC and Kwellu Ngieya CHP all in the Kailahun District, we rolled out the 1st PHU inventory management software (mSupply mobile). With this, we can improve on the visibility and availability of real time data directly from PHUs. PHUs are welcoming this application. “We are tired of writing with so many papers on our table”, says Mr. Nabieu, a PHU in-charge @ the Under-5 Clinic at KGH. NMSA has always supported the mSupply mobile initiative. We will pilot in 6 additional PHUs in Kailahun and 19 in the Western Area. The to the NMSA team as well as the USAID-supported Project Last Mile & MOMENTUM for the laudable initiative.